
Hillsy Keeper Recent Post

Attitude Matters

“This is too hard.” “I hate this drill”. “I’ll never be good enough to play at the highest level.” These are common phrases I hear on and off the training

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One question that always pops up during an offseason takes the shape of ‘how do I get the captain’s armband this season?’ Especially for goalkeepers competing at the highest levels,

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Required Optimism

Goalkeepers occupy one of the loneliest positions in sports. As a goalkeeper, you constantly face two realities. One, you belong on a team of like-minded individuals working together to achieve

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Confronting Adversity

One of the more common deficits in a goalkeeper’s skillset is self-confidence. Younger goalkeepers especially have a difficult time accepting the various responsibilities that come with the job. It is

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Goal Setting: Beware the Role Model

For goalkeepers at every age and level, goal setting is a crucial component to their development. This piece will address setting goals at the individual level, leaving aside ‘team goals’

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